Chartering a J/70 for Worlds

With the J/70 Worlds in the UK this year, J/70 owners are chartering boats for the regatta. Chartering a boat is an excellent alternative over shipping your own boat to and from another country. Furthermore, most charter boats are new, if they are from the local dealer, and sold soon after the event.

The J/70Worlds in Porto Cuervo, Italy had a charter boat come in 2nd place overall, which proves you can grab a charter boat and do very well!


To have a successful charter experience, you only need to prepare a little differently. In addition, plan to ship and/or pack key rigging and gear from your own boat that will replace what comes with your charter.

Being prepared with gear you are comfortable with, and rigging you’ve tuned from your own boat - will decrease the amount of time necessary to set-up the charter boat. This alone will increase the amount of time on-the-water dialing in both boat and crew.

Something to keep in mind: The mast on the European J/70 boats are produced by Selden Mast AB. Plan to spend a little extra time here, but use your sailmakers guides - keep things simple! Most sailmakers have spent the time on the tuning guide so you don’t have to

Here are a few other tricks and tips we plan to employ on our charter boat:

Trim stickers - So we know where our set-ups are all regatta long.

  • Extra Tell Tales - These are good to have for BOTH shrouds and/or sails.

  • Your Own Jib Sheets - Take your own jib sheets with whipping marks on them. Then set you trim stickers to your marks.

  • Bring a High Tech Tackline - Use a piece of tape on the side of the cabin top to a whipping on your tackline. In lighter air you’re tackline won't stretch as much, so move the tape accordingly. Don't rely on the cleat.

  • Ratchamatics for Jib and Spinnaker - We be using the HTE series, has a stronger spring to release quicker = better trim and release.

  • Pack a sanding block and 400 to 800 grit wet sand paper. You will want to square off the trailing edges of your keel and rudder. No need to 45º, but put pressure on one side more, and sand to make sure it is clean and even.

  • Turn your tuning guide into a sticker and place it on boat! It’s in the small details that can make all the difference.

  • If you don’t already have them, pack Third Hands with Keepers, Shroud Locks and Rig Tuning Tool. We have European ones - specifically for events like this.

  • Teflon Tape is worth its weight! Pack extra to cover your spreader ends and anything sharp.

  • We’ll also pack a bungee for backstay release, usually using a 4 or 5mm.

  • Consider pack spare Dyneema to upgrade the charter boat’s lifeline lashings and have some spare in case you have a breakdown.

  • Lastly, we’ll be packing our new Clew Blocks with Dog Bones These allow you to inhaul without twisting the sail.

With J/70 Worlds only a week away, now is the time to double-check your packing list. Call us as soon as possible if there is something on this list you need!